Sunday, 1 September 2013

The Proposal

How did I end up in this situation?

My wife and I were living in a small house in the SE, with our daughter where we had been since October 2007.

In January, 2013, my wife came to me with a proposal. She explained that her mother had approached her to gauge my reaction to the following:

My father-in-law had suffered a heart attack in the past and just after our daughter was born, he was subjected to a triple bypass. Although this had made him feel a lot better than he had done for a number of years, he had been forced to change jobs from plumbing to working in a showroom, a job he didn't enjoy. It was making him very stressed and upset. 

My mother-in-law, a nurse, had faced the realisation that her husband probably wouldn't live to a ripe old age (both his siblings having died), didn't want him to spend the rest of his life being in a job he hated and so stressed it would probably shorten his lifespan anyway. Still having a mortgage outstanding, retiring early wasn't an option. so she asked whether we would consider selling our house, pooling our money with them and buying a larger property, with an annexe for us all to share.

Not thinking I'd be prepared to take that step, she was surprised when I agreed and after a very long and difficult conveyancing process (which I am not going to detail here), we finally moved into an old farm that came with just over 10 acres of land. 

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